

Membrane roofing systems consist of sheets or membranes made from materials like rubber, synthetic materials, or modified bitumen. These durable, waterproof layers are applied to flat or low-slope roofs, providing protection against water infiltration and weather elements. Common types include SBS, APP, Mineral.

Combo Roof

A combo roof system typically refers to a combination of roofing materials or technologies used together to enhance performance and address specific needs. This may involve integrating different roofing systems providing a comprehensive solution that offers durability, weather resistance, and other desired properties. Combo roof systems are designed to optimize the benefits of various roofing materials, catering to specific challenges or requirements in different parts of the roof structure.


GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) waterproofing for water tanks involves using composite materials that incorporate fiberglass reinforcement. The process typically includes applying layers of GRP laminate to the tank's surface, creating a robust and watertight barrier. GRP is chosen for its corrosion resistance, durability, and ability to withstand exposure to water and various weather conditions. This method is effective in preventing leaks and ensuring the long-term integrity of water tanks.


Polyurea is a versatile polymer coating known for its rapid curing and robust properties. polyurea exhibits exceptional durability, flexibility, and chemical resistance. It is commonly used as a protective coating for surfaces such as concrete, steel, and other substrates, providing a seamless and waterproof finish. due to their quick application, high-performance characteristics, and resistance to abrasion and corrosion.

Wet Areas Waterproofing

Wet areas waterproofing involves applying protective measures to surfaces in spaces prone to moisture, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and utility rooms. Common methods include the use of waterproof membranes, sealants, and coatings to prevent water penetration. These solutions create a barrier that safeguards structures against leaks, water damage, and mold growth. Effective wet areas waterproofing is crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of buildings and ensuring a durable, water-resistant environment in spaces with regular exposure to water.

Industrial & Car Park Flooring

Epoxy flooring is a durable and seamless surface solution created by applying layers of epoxy resin onto a prepared floor substrate. This coating, composed of epoxy polymers and hardening agents, forms a tough, resilient surface that is resistant to chemicals, abrasion, and stains. Epoxy flooring is commonly used in industrial, commercial, and residential settings for its durability, easy maintenance, and ability to create a smooth and attractive finish. It is suitable for various applications, including garage floors, warehouses, and spaces requiring a robust and visually appealing surface.

Metal Roof Waterproofing

Metal Roof can be insulated and waterproofed by Spray applied Polyurethane Insulation and applying an acrylic uV stable top coat. this ensure a seamless waterproof system to cover all the side laps and end laps or by spray applying a hybird coating on the entire roof surface to insure a seamless waterproofing coating that can withstand the harsh desert climate and temperature changes throughout the day.

Concrete Injection

Concrete injection, often referred to as concrete crack injection or epoxy injection, is a repair technique used to fill cracks, voids, or defects in concrete structures. It involves the injection of specialized resins or epoxies into the cracks under pressure to bond and seal them. This method restores the structural integrity of the concrete, waterproofs, prevents further damage, and improves its durability.